


Gets element on page that is currently in focus

find_all_elements(strategy, selector, retries \\ 5)

Finds elements on current page. Returns an array of element IDs that can be used with other element functions

find_all_within_element(element_id, strategy, selector, retries \\ 5)

Finds elements within a specific element. Returns an array of element IDs that can be used with other element functions

find_element(strategy, selector, retries \\ 5)

Finds element on current page. It returns an element ID that can be used with other element functions

find_within_element(element_id, strategy, selector, retries \\ 5)

Finds element within a specific element. Returns an element ID to use with element helper functions


Gets the HTML source of current page


Gets the title of the current page


Send sequence of key strokes to active element. The keys are accepted as a list of atoms


Send character keys to active element

with_keys(keys, blocks)

Holds on to the spcified modifier keys when the block is executing




Gets element on page that is currently in focus.

find_all_elements(strategy, selector, retries \\ 5)


Finds elements on current page. Returns an array of element IDs that can be used with other element functions.

  • The first argument is the strategy.
  • The second argument is the selector.

Valid selector strategies are :css, :class, :id, :name, :tag, :xpath, :link_text and :partial_link_text

find_elements(:name, "username")
find_elements(:class, "example")
find_elements(:id, "example")
find_elements(:css, ".example")
find_elements(:tag, "footer")
find_elements(:link_text, "Home")

find_all_within_element(element_id, strategy, selector, retries \\ 5)


Finds elements within a specific element. Returns an array of element IDs that can be used with other element functions.

  • The first argument is the element ID of the element within which you want to search.
  • The second argument is the strategy.
  • The third argument is the selector.

Valid selector strategies are :css, :class, :id, :name, :tag, :xpath, :link_text and :partial_link_text

# First get an element ID to search within
parent_element_id = find_element(:class, "container")

find_all_within_element(parent_element_id, :name, "username")
find_all_within_element(parent_element_id, :class, "example")
find_all_within_element(parent_element_id, :id, "example")
find_all_within_element(parent_element_id, :css, ".example")
find_all_within_element(parent_element_id, :tag, "footer")
find_all_within_element(parent_element_id, :link_text, "Home")

find_element(strategy, selector, retries \\ 5)


Finds element on current page. It returns an element ID that can be used with other element functions.

  • The first argument is the strategy.
  • The second argument is the selector.

Valid selector strategies are :css, :class, :id, :name, :tag, :xpath, :link_text and :partial_link_text

find_element(:name, "username")
find_element(:class, "example")
find_element(:id, "example")
find_element(:css, ".example")
find_element(:tag, "footer")
find_element(:link_text, "Home")

find_within_element(element_id, strategy, selector, retries \\ 5)


Finds element within a specific element. Returns an element ID to use with element helper functions.

  • The first argument is the element ID of the element within which you want to search.
  • The second argument is the strategy.
  • The third argument is the selector.

Valid selector strategies are :css, :class, :id, :name, :tag, :xpath, :link_text and :partial_link_text

# First get an element ID to search within
parent_element_id = find_element(:class, "container")

find_within_element(parent_element_id, :name, "username")
find_within_element(parent_element_id, :class, "example")
find_within_element(parent_element_id, :id, "example")
find_within_element(parent_element_id, :css, ".example")
find_within_element(parent_element_id, :tag, "footer")
find_within_element(parent_element_id, :link_text, "Home")



Gets the HTML source of current page.



Gets the title of the current page.



  • send_keys(List.t | atom) :: :ok

Send sequence of key strokes to active element. The keys are accepted as a list of atoms.

send_keys :backspace
send_keys :tab

If you send the modifier keys shift, control, alt and command, they are held on and not released until you send the :null key.

To perform other actions while holding on to modifier keys, use the with_keys macro.

The following are the atoms representing the keys:

  • :alt - alt key
  • :shift - shift key
  • :command - command key (or meta key)
  • :control - control key
  • :escape - escape key
  • :backspace - backspace key
  • :tab - tab key
  • :clear - clear
  • :return - return key
  • :enter - enter key
  • :cancel - cancel key
  • :help - help key
  • :pause - pause key
  • :num0 - numpad 0
  • :num1 - numpad 1
  • :num2 - numpad 2
  • :num3 - numpad 3
  • :num4 - numpad 4
  • :num5 - numpad 5
  • :num6 - numpad 6
  • :num7 - numpad 7
  • :num8 - numpad 8
  • :num9 - numpad 9
  • :add - add key
  • :subtract - subtract key
  • :multiply - multiply key
  • :divide - divide key
  • :seperator - seperator key


Send character keys to active element.

send_text "test"
send_text "whatever happens"

To send key strokes like tab, enter, etc, take a look at send_keys.


with_keys(keys, blocks)

Holds on to the spcified modifier keys when the block is executing.

# Simulates Ctrl + e
with_keys :control do
  send_text "e"

# Simulates Ctrl + Shift + e
with_keys [:control, :shift] do
  send_text "e"

The following are the modifier keys:

  • :alt - alt key
  • :shift - shift key
  • :command - command key (or meta key)
  • :control - control key
  • :escape - escape key