Tool to deploy Elixir apps to servers. No knowledge of Ansible required.
Extendable version manager for Ruby, Elixir, Erlang, Node.js & more
Simple build system for Elixir. Can be used to run commands, code or do anything when files change.
Beautiful opensource team chat app written in Elixir and Ember.js. Source code
Elixir Ember.js CoffeeScript
Rock-solid Heroku buildpack to host Elixir apps on Heroku.
Elixir library for browser automation and integration testing.
Simple model and validations library for Elixir.
Riak connection pool library for Elixir.
Elixir Riak
Super-small fun project created in less than an hour. The source code is available here.
Featured on NextBigWhat - "Phreaking is back! Not the blue box of course"
Create PDF Invoices by just sending an email. [ShowHN]
Ruby Rails
It's F5-style refresh for Arduino hackers. Allows playing with Arduinos without having to burn programs to the board repeatedly (Seriously! It was a PITA that I had to burn programs everytime I made a change).
Ruby Arduino
Dead simple command line todo
Sinatra-like framework in Node.js
Javascript Node.js
Instant-invoice application. Source is available on github
Ruby Rails
A precursor to the Arduino rubygem that I wrote a year later.
Python Arduino
Built and operated a local experimental SMS social network called ShoutJam in 2009. The source (dirty-python-code-that-works) is up on Github.
Python Python-S60 S60 mobile platform
A port of the Python Arduino Prototyping API, that I wrote to learn Java. I have a habit of porting my own libraries or projects to other languages to checkout the language :)
Java Arduino
SMS dashboard for events, that can be displayed on large screens. Made this for an event. SMS sent by people to a number is displayed on the screen in a scroll-and-fade pattern
Ruby Rails
A very simple todo list creator. Hosted demo at
Ruby Rails
Talk proposal site for HasGeek's AndroidCamp event in 2011 here
Ruby Rails
Rubygem that adds an executable ghcreate that allows creating Github projects straight from command line.
A news engine powered by Daylife. Developed for the Daylife Developer Challenge. Runs on AppEngine.
Python Appengine
Read news based on your Delicious bookmark tags. Another news app for the Daylife Developer Challenge. Runs on AppEngine. Might be broken under the new Delicious API. In it's prime it was featured on Labnol and was awesome for me to read my daily news.
Python Appengine
Contributions and paid opensource work
The official Ruby library for's API.
Reorganized Stripe's rubygem's code as a response to a tweet
An awesome chat app written using Rails and BackBone. Wrote the initial version of the app. Here's someone's review of Kandan's source.
Ruby Rails Backbone
A CAS server written using Sinatra
Ruby Sinatra
CloudFuji authentication for Rails apps that use devise
Ruby Sinatra
A drop-in rubygem for Rails apps to be CloudFuji-compatible
Ruby Rails
Mailgun client for ruby
CloudFuji authentication for Rails apps that use authlogic
Ruby Rails
Precursor to what would be Kandan :)
Ruby Rails
allows developing CloudFuji-compatible Rails apps locally
Ruby Rails